Service Project: Scout Sunday
As a reminder this Sunday is Scout Sunday and Scouts will be recognized at the 11 am mass. All scouts are welcome to join even if you are not a member of Saint Patrick church.
Please arrive early in class A uniforms. If you are not serving as a server, we are asked to help greet people at the doors as they enter the church. Please be there by 10:30-10:40 time frame to help greet.
We will have 1 scout carry in the troop flag and 1 to carry in the American Flag. The cubs and girl scouts will do the same.
The following scouts are helping with mass
Lector 1 – Sawyer B
Lector 2 – Patrick K
Server 1 – Austin R
Server 2 – Sawyer K
Server 3 – Rhys K (cub scout)
Flag Bearers – need 2 volunteers to process in with the flags and place by the wall at the beginning of mass and process out at the end of mass.
Gift Bearers – Need a family from cub scouts to take this role (Mark Kraft please find a volunteer)
Eucharistic Ministers are scout parents – Kristie B, Mark K, Jeff K. We are looking for 1 more EM volunteer if you are interested.
During mass there will be rows in the front of church saved for the scouts to sit together. Parents are welcome to sit up front as well or right behind the scouts. Scouts please be respectful during mass. If you have any questions please let me know.